Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I pin. Do you pin?

 My new favorite thing is  Pinterest is a visual bookmarking site.  Do you have a long list of bookmarks in your Favorites?  I am going to be transparent with you....I had a long list as well as several folders in mine as I attempted to keep it organized.  The hardest part was knowing why you had saved each link because all you had was an URL and maybe a description (if you were smart enough to type that in).  And then one day my whole world changed (possibly a little dramatic but I'm trying to keep it real) when as I was blog hopping I noticed a button on the side that said "follow me on pinterest".  Curiosity got the best of me and there you have it...Pinterest is now my home page.  It took me a few weeks to clean up my Favorites list and "pin" them all to my very own boards.  Now when I want to try that new recipe I found online all I have to do is log on to my account, look at my recipe board, scroll down until I see the picture of recipe I'm desiring to try, and then click the link.  Say I am wanting to get creative and I remember a cute diy craft I saw online, again it is just a simple matter of going to that board that I have specified for crafts and finding the picture I am looking for.  I have created boards for all my interest.  The really addicting part of it is when you have other friends or blog writers and you follow their pins.  Before you know it is 11:00 am, you have drank several cups of coffee and not only have you not baked anything (which is your only job) but you are not showered and ready for the day either (keeping it real again).  So take a look, but be careful and use LOTS of self control.
P.S. Warning when looking at the main board where everyone's pins are seen please remember that this is still the internet and I am not endorsing other's pins just how the site is beneficial to me.


  1. I have not even checked out Pinterest yet. Can you believe that?

  2. Ok. I switched to my Blogger profile, so you should be able to see the link to my poor, neglected blog.


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