Monday, March 12, 2012

Sewing Room

Recently at my Tuesday sewing class one of the ladies brought in a bag full of vintage patterns.  Several of us had fun looking at them and reminiscing about the similar styles we had worn.  I especially loved the  wedding gown pattern that looked just like Princess Diana's and had a Copyright date of 1982, a year after she married Prince Charles.

I scanned some of my favorite patterns and made prints.  The letters spelling SEW are painted and mod podged with some old pattern pieces with a little gold glitter to match some of the other frames in the room.  Thank you Stephen for helping me put it up on the wall!


  1. I have to chuckle...I gave a stack of vintage patterns to Goodwill recently...This is a really neat idea...looks very good! You are so creative!! :)

  2. You should have sold them. I had some in the bag that were selling for 8 to 15 dollars a bag.


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